Field Service Lightning

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Salesforce Field Service Lightning is a management software which gives your customer support team the ability to delegate work promptly and efficiently to your representatives in the field.

One of the major benefits of using Salesforce CRM is the 360 degree information analysis of customers. With Field Service Lightning this information can be quickly transported to the service reps working on-field. It interfaces your workforce onto one platform to provide quicker and customised onsite support for your customers.

Some of the main benefits of FSL in Salesforce are –

  1. You can provide your service team with an accurate time schedule based on when the customer is available. It also provides them with accurate time recommendations for customers on the basis of existing schedules and travel time.
  2. With the aim of improving customer satisfaction the software allocates tasks appropriately to the best field staff member for the job.
  3. It allows field service representatives to finish work orders while staying on the job site.
  4. FSL has an electronic signature facility for your representatives to get authorisation for work requests or service reports.
  5. Your staff supervisors will be able to manage the service provided through a full map view.
  6. The work structure, service guidelines and basic requirements can be configured and managed by administration staff.
  7. As well as underpinning up to 3000 field service representatives you will also be able to use it to manage contract workers

Field Service Lightning also has a number of add-ons available to assist you such as Service Territories and Timesheets.

The three components of Salesforce Field Service Lightning are –

Core Field Service – assist administrators to establish operating hours, key competencies and standard appointment criteria personalise for your business. This service also records and analyses field service date and tracks inventory and stock.

Field Service Managed Package – once this is implemented it can assist dispatchers in optimising their schedules, in getting a comprehensive view of records, work orders and appointments with an interactive map and integrate and maintain operations with the administration app.

Field Service Mobile App – once installed this app can assist mobile workers in tracking work and work orders, communicating with contacts, verifying addresses and follow-up appointments and getting access to resources.

Thinking of investing in Salesforce Field Service Lightning?

There are three areas of staff needed in your business.  

Call centre where once a customer has made a service request a record is made in Service Cloud. Likewise an appointment can be made for your customer by the call centre employee.

Dispatch staff member/s who deal with the records, work orders and appointments in coordination with the field staff.  Dispatcher Console is set up over the Service Cloud Console inside SalesForce.

Field service representative/s who can use the FSL app on their mobile phone to get service orders, update them if necessary and get signatures for the required authority. They will be able to view all client records and data in a solitary view.

Salesforce Field Service Lightning will connect your entire workforce and hand your mobile employees an extremely useful tool.  

Call or email the team at SCloud Technology and Solutions today. We would love to have the opportunity to explain how Field Service Lightning can make a huge difference to your business and the services we provide

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